Posts about engagement marketing

More business seminars coming your way in 2020

Patrick Zuluaga - 06 November 2019

We are looking forward to a series of new business seminars planned for in the coming year!

The event survey feedback from attendees on our recently completed seminar "Seminar on Growing Your Business: What You Need to Know" has been overwhelmingly very positive! #marketing #businessdeveloment #pmzmarketing. Photos below courtesy of Jo Hanlon of Mind Your Ps.

If you have any marketing topics that you would like to request us to cover in the planned business seminars and workshops for next year, please let us know using the comments form below.

PMZ Marketing

PMZ Marketing

Opportunities and You

Patrick Zuluaga - 28 May 2018

Many of you will have read or heard of this quote before by Chris Grosser "Opportunities don't happen. You create them".

In your own business have you developed a process to develop opportunities and drive prospects to your sales funnel?

How are you using marketing to develop your business opportunities? Are you using Direct Response Marketing effectively?

Read our previous blog post at for information (Direct Response Marketing).

 If you need assistance with your marketing efforts, Contact Us - PMZ Marketing is Better Marketing Results

Facebook Photo Popularity Contests Seed Greek Kouzina

Patrick Zuluaga- 13 August 2017
If you are a small to medium sized business you might wonder how best to gain business with Facebook and may have experimented with Facebook advertising to promote your business.

Rather than expecting an instant convert to a customer which only happens if your product or service is perceived as low risk and no long term commitments.

How about engaging and nurturing your potential customers rather than immediately try to convert them to be a customer? You may have heard the 7x touch points in building customer relationships and social media channels excel in helping you achieve your engagement and brand relationship building.

Develop your Facebook advertisement campaign with engagement in mind with an activity that is fun rewarding and supporting of your business growth?

Here is an example from Seed Greek Kouzina:

"Only 11 days remaining to submit your own photo and/or to vote for your preferred photo of Greek food and cuisine!"

"Our photo popularity contest starts today!
Win a dinner for 4 to the value of $200
Contest period 1/08/2017 - 24/08/2017

Contestants are invited to submit photos of Greek food dishes (limit of one per day) and to encourage their family and friends to vote (one vote per person) on their preferred photo image. The winner will be based on the Greek dish photo image with the most popular votes after the contest period. The winner will be announced on the 25th August 2017"

Visit - or

Mass Marketing versus Personalisation Infographic

Patrick Zuluaga - 18 May 2014

This Infographic from Monetate Marketing Infographics has valuable insight for any business looking to get better marketing results from their online efforts. In my article titled "how="" to="" make="" your="" customer="" database="" best="" friendpmz="" marketing

Mass Marketing Versus Personalization

How are you using your content to help your business?

Patrick Zuluaga - 03 March 2014

The Internet is full of information on how 'Content is King' coupled with keywords as a major component of your search engine optimisation efforts. Yes, a lot of the information published is valid and is correct to a point.

The important point that should never be forgotten with your content strategy and efforts is that you need to write for a human being first and foremost specifically tailoring your message or content into what is relevant, useful and interesting to your target audience.

I have written an article titled "How will Content Strategy help your business?" Have a read and tell us what you think and how you have been using content to successfully grow your business! I am equally interested in your view of what doesn't work based on your own experience.

Infographic on Instagram Marketing Planning

Patrick Zuluaga - 24 November 2013

We know that teenagers are moving away from Facebook and any business that is targeting this demographic needs to take immediate notice.  Instagram is one of the strong winners in this trend and businesses need to consider how to promote by sharing picture images on this social network.

Here is an infographic from Bluewire Media on how to use Instagram with only 5 minutes a day.

Instagram 5 Minute Marketing Plan Infographic

What do you think? Can you spare 5 minutes a day from everything your busy day?

Instagram 5 Minute Marketing Plan Infographic by Bluewire Media

How can You Achieve Effective Online Marketing?

Patrick Zuluaga - 09 November 2012

In my marketing newsletter for November 2012 I answered the question "How can You Achieve Effective Online Marketing?"

While many in the business world perceive that online marketing is difficult and complex to achieve the desired results, I view the situation as really a lack of understanding marketing principles.

Let us list these challenges for achieving better marketing results for your business whether using online marketing and/or traditional print based-marketing.

We have three key business marketing challenges, these are:

  1. Focused targeting of your potential customers
  2. Compelling relevancy of your offer
  3. Call to action for your interested customers

What is your prospective of these three key points in online marketing versus marketing as a whole?

Clearly the same principles apply and once you understand and master the concepts it will work for your online marketing too!

Let us hear your views.

Marketing Challenges of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Patrick Zuluaga - 29 August 2012

The three of the most common and difficult small business and medium enterprises marketing challenges are:

  • Finding new clients and customers
  • Using engaging marketing messages that generate results
  • Implementing business oriented marketing systems

I have published an article on the Marketing Challenges of Small Business & Medium Enterprises (SME) that provides useful information and tips on how these challenges can be handled.

Many of you that have been in business a number of years will have encountered these challenges and have survived the experience to grow their businesses.  For those of you that have kindly share with us your successes in managing these small business and medium enterprises marketing challenges.

What is Preventing Growth for Small Businesses?

Patrick Zuluaga - 14 December 2011
Did you know that more often it is the things that you may not be doing that will have a much greater impact on your business growth than those that you do? These are areas that I have found as a business consultant as the most prevalent in holding back the growth of small companies:
  • Understanding your Customer Market
  • Adequate Planning
  • Managing Cash Flow
  • Operating a Marketing and Sales Development Process
  • Targeted Marketing Campaigns and Programs

What do you think? In your own business situation have you faced these issues or other more significant challenges? Share with us your views and expereinces.

[Read the complete article]

Why Optimise your Website for Tablets and Smart Phones?

Patrick Zuluaga - 25 July 2011
Some of our readers will note that in landscape mode tablets and smart phones can accommodate websites designed for desktop computers as these devices are fully capable of the screen resolutions that match the desktop.  However, I don't think these are the same! Web content will appear so much smaller and will almost be unreadable without zooming with your two fingers to expand the view.

With desktop computers we use mouse clicks and keyboards while for tablets and smart phones we use “finger sweeps” and on-screen touch keyboards.

It is a completely different user experience for the web visitor that I am sure you will all agree.

What do you think? If your business has implemented optimised web templates for tablets and smart phones, what were the drivers that were considered to making this a priority for your online web business presence?

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