The Stronger than My Excuses

Patrick Zuluaga- 08 December 2019

The Stronger than my Excuses Show - "Don't beat yourself up over setbacks...Just don't give up" on Episode 7

If you own a business or running a business you WILL encounter difficulties, setbacks, roadblocks and even failures. What is key to your ongoing success is how you will handle these challenges and use these situations to learn while taking responsibility going forward!

View The Stronger than my Excuses Show - "Don't beat yourself up over setbacks...Just don't give up" Episode 7

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More business seminars coming your way in 2020

Patrick Zuluaga - 06 November 2019

We are looking forward to a series of new business seminars planned for in the coming year!

The event survey feedback from attendees on our recently completed seminar "Seminar on Growing Your Business: What You Need to Know" has been overwhelmingly very positive! #marketing #businessdeveloment #pmzmarketing. Photos below courtesy of Jo Hanlon of Mind Your Ps.

If you have any marketing topics that you would like to request us to cover in the planned business seminars and workshops for next year, please let us know using the comments form below.

PMZ Marketing

PMZ Marketing

Planned Business Seminars and Workshops

Patrick Zuluaga- 24 September 2019
We are planning a series of new marketing and business seminars / workshops in the next twelve months.  Our objective is to provide valuable, relevant and practical information that can be applied by business owners and executive managers to improve the operation and marketing results for their businesses.
Our first seminar of the series is Growing Your Business: What You Need to Know. Have a look at the agenda details and the session speakers.

PMZ Marketing

If you are interested in attending, please proceed and register your booking here - 

Growing Your Business - What You Need to Know  :: PMZ Marketing

Also, please comment below and let us know what additional business and marketing topics you would be interested in attending.

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PMZ Marketing

PMZ Marketing Tip: Get Results from your Marketing

Patrick Zuluaga- 05 May 2019

Stop wasting your Marketing Efforts! Use AIDA – What is AIDA you might ask? Visit our Marketing Resource Library and read the article to discover the power of AIDA, an acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. It is pure gold and when applied will make your marketing copy writing a winner for your customers and for your business.

Call PMZ Marketing to assist you with your marketing efforts on 0403 436 889 or email!

Contact PMZ Marketing for Better Marketing Results

Opportunities and You

Patrick Zuluaga - 28 May 2018

Many of you will have read or heard of this quote before by Chris Grosser "Opportunities don't happen. You create them".

In your own business have you developed a process to develop opportunities and drive prospects to your sales funnel?

How are you using marketing to develop your business opportunities? Are you using Direct Response Marketing effectively?

Read our previous blog post at for information (Direct Response Marketing).

 If you need assistance with your marketing efforts, Contact Us - PMZ Marketing is Better Marketing Results

Facebook Photo Popularity Contests Seed Greek Kouzina

Patrick Zuluaga- 13 August 2017
If you are a small to medium sized business you might wonder how best to gain business with Facebook and may have experimented with Facebook advertising to promote your business.

Rather than expecting an instant convert to a customer which only happens if your product or service is perceived as low risk and no long term commitments.

How about engaging and nurturing your potential customers rather than immediately try to convert them to be a customer? You may have heard the 7x touch points in building customer relationships and social media channels excel in helping you achieve your engagement and brand relationship building.

Develop your Facebook advertisement campaign with engagement in mind with an activity that is fun rewarding and supporting of your business growth?

Here is an example from Seed Greek Kouzina:

"Only 11 days remaining to submit your own photo and/or to vote for your preferred photo of Greek food and cuisine!"

"Our photo popularity contest starts today!
Win a dinner for 4 to the value of $200
Contest period 1/08/2017 - 24/08/2017

Contestants are invited to submit photos of Greek food dishes (limit of one per day) and to encourage their family and friends to vote (one vote per person) on their preferred photo image. The winner will be based on the Greek dish photo image with the most popular votes after the contest period. The winner will be announced on the 25th August 2017"

Visit - or

Direct Response Marketing

Patrick Zuluaga- 15 March 2017

A recent presentation on Direct Response Marketing is available at our Marketing Seminar Presentations page.

It is my view and experience that the best marketing technique to drive new business development is direct response marketing!

What is direct response marketing? It is a marketing technique designed to generate immediate business results from a promotional offer.You can read my article about using AIDA (Attract, Interest, Desire, Action) to help you prepare your promotional offer from our many articles at our Marketing Resource Library.

Your promotional marketing message or direct response offer will have the following attributes:

  • Creative - to ensure that your marketing information will stand out from the crowd and draw the recipient to read or view your promotional offer immediately
  • Target Market - is a highly focused and targeted selection of prospective customers for your marketing message offer
  • Content - utilise an emotive personalised and relevant marketing message that will resonant with the recipient, it must have a compelling and powerful offer with a 'call to action' framed with scarcity or a limited time frame to drive the response

Over the years, my clients and I have successfully used direct response marketing techniques using the following communication channels:

  • Postal Mail
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Leveraged Personal Selling
  • Cross/Multi-Media

I am interested in hearing from you on your own direct response marketing results, what has your experience been in using direct response marketing techniques?

Please share with us and join the discussion.

Your Marketing Campaigns will bring in New Sales

Patrick Zuluaga- 06 January 2016

For those of you in the retail business here are the key dates to plan for your marketing and sales campaigns.

  • Late January & early February - Back to School
  • 14th February - Valentine's Day
  • 25th - 28th March - Easter
  • 8th May - Mother's Day
  • 17th May - Click Frenzy
  • Last week of June - EoFY
  • 4th September - Father's Day
  • 31st October - Halloween
  • 1st November - Melbourne Cup Day
  • 11th November - Singles Day
  • 25th November - Black Friday (following Thanksgiving Day in the USA)
  • 28th November - Cyber Monday (Monday after Thanksgiving Day in the USA)
  • 25th December - Christmas
  • 26th December - Boxing Day Sales

In the lead up to these dates you should be developing your marketing campaigns to drive sales traffic to your web stores.

As always, PMZ Marketing is here to help with anything you need.

Better Marketing Results – Patrick Zuluaga

PS> Signup for your FREE 30-day eMail Marketing offer at

New Video: Email Marketing Metrics Report Update

Patrick Zuluaga- 18 October 2015

The Australian Email Marketing Metrics Report has been updated with the latest data from September 2015.

Marketing with Hashtags

PatrickZuluaga- 01 June 2014

Why use a hashtag for your marketing?

From a marketing prospective the use of hashtags will:

  1. Increase your promotional reach
  2. Amplify your brand or company awareness
  3. Focus your message on your target market
  4. Boost the likelihood of people finding your content
  5. Improve your search engine optimisation results

Read the complete article on 'Improve Your Marketing with Hashtags' for information on how to use hashtags for your marketing.

What is your own experience with hashtags? Do you think these are overused or just another trend that will fall away? Let us know either way.

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PMZ Marketing

Email: Contact Us

Mobile: 0403 436 889 (Australia)

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